This first image that I have edited I did on a website called Pic Monkey which allowed me to play around with the colours, saturation, temperature and shadows within the picture, as well as the brightness of it which enabled me to create a dusky, uninviting and paranormal setting. I designed it so that the picture itself was quite dark, which would then highlight the character of Elsie on top of the rest of the scenery, enhancing the importance of her character in the film. I then started to play around with the font by adding the release date of the film to the poster, using one of our selected fonts from earlier on in our research, 'Special Elite'. I chose to make the font a grubby white to match the colour of the sky so that it would be eye catching when being looked at by it's audience, and i thought it would look good standing out on a black background.
After playing around with the brightness and shadowy effects on the picture, I decided that this murky dim effect would best suit the genre of the film promoting it more to the audience as it is eery to look at and should draw viewers in. I moved the date to the bottom right hand corner so that the title of the film would be central to the poster and stand out over everything else, having the title a lighter grey than the date so that the image is not too plain or boring. I decided that having 'Twisted Carousel Productions Presents' in a blood red would work well as it brings colour to the poster but makes it look gory and unpleasant, suiting the horror theme. I imported the title from a previous poster that we had designed, which is why it has a white box around it, unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to delete the white box as I have been using a website called PicMonkey to create this.
The title font is different to what I have used for the date so that it doesn't all blend together and instead looms above everything else featured on the poster. I decided to delete the imported title and recreate it using Roman Antique as the font. I think this works better as it looks older like it could have been printed from a typewriter, fitting the time scale of which the film is set. The colour of the title here is a lighter grey once again but we have decided that its not distressing enough for this type of movie.
This is my most recently edited version of our theatrical trailer and once again I have changed the colour of the title font to make it darker and tedious rather than the colour of Casper the Friendly Ghost - not the message we are going for. However i am not fully content with this as I think it combines too much with the colour of the date and we want it to fully attract the viewer's eye.
Inspecting the image, I have noticed that part of the tree branch is poking out onto the character of Elsie, making it look like the has been hung. Now, due to not actually telling the audience how Elsie died, I think this could create suspicion as to what happened after the disappearance of the Durlock family, working well with our theme and plot.
Also, I think that the title would look better if it was lifted so that it is closer to the introduction of it so that there are not gaps of the same distance between them.
I have been playing around with the colour of the font again and have decided that a whiter colour would actually look better on the poster rather than a darker colour as it is more eye catching to look at.
This is a screengrab from the current editing that we are doing on Photoshop on our theatrical poster. We decided that we didn't like how the release date was designed and placed on the poster and so cloned a dark patch of the background and coloured over it so that when I redesign it I can place it in the centre and decrease the size of the text so that the the title of the film stands out over everything else. We also put an effect on the title to make it spookier and more ghostly to fit with the theme of our horror film (supernatural and paranormal).
To increase the intensity of our theatrical poster, we inserted the image of Elsie and added a faded effect to conform to the conventions and themes of our chosen genre, and to highlight the fact that Elsie is a spirit haunting those who live in Durlock House. This allows the audience to recognise that this particular is a horror which would lure our specified target audience in.